
In line with company's mission and business philosophy, Globaltec Electronics Limited offers our customers not only world-renowned electronic components, but also a series of services such as application support, OTP/flash programming, module manufacturing and system solution. This enables us to support our customers to shorten their products time-to-market and turn their product idea into reality.

General Profile

Our Guangzhou R&D Center offers a comprehensive package of R&D solutions from hardware circuit design, single and multiple layers PCB layout, MCU software development and prototype preparation all down to production. All engineers are graduated from famous Universities in the Mainland China. Our top-quality technical staff has strong research capabilities and a spirit of teamwork, important factors in our company's culture.

Design Technology

Our R&D team and supporting members are, located both in China and Hong Kong, with experienced and expertise in design and development of the sophisticated electronics. With the closed connection with the world leading semiconductor manufacturers, our team is always in touch with the most advanced and state-of-art technology and development of the industry.

OTP/ Flash Programming

We offer OTP/Flash programming service to our clients in order to shorten the lead time in products delivery for their pilot production. These services include the OTP/ Flash programming for the ABOV and OKI MCU. Besides, we offer programming services for the OKI P2ROM and MCU for prototypes testing.

Standard Solutions

Our R&D team has done many standard solution products for our clients in order to reduce their development period. The successful products include remote IR/RF controller, VFD module, Bicycle meter, Timer and Thermometer.

Module Manufacturing

With strategic partner of Globaltec Products Limited, we can provide "one dragon" services from design to final products. It is in compliance with ISO 9000 standard to meet the market requirement. Globaltec senior management possesses skill-set with experience expertise that can provide professional advice on the whole prototype build process from initial design to final module completion. With equipping a sophisticated production plant, talent management team, and skillful workers. Globaltec takes care of all the work to ease its customer burden and to promote its competitive advantage edge once getting their conceptual idea.

System Development

With our extensive design knowledge and experience, we are capable to build high complexity custom products and systems together with the wide variety of supports.Successful products include lift announicator system and remote display joypad.

Advance Development

Supported by territorial professional institute and RF design house, Globaltec has eminent development on 2.4G /Sub -G RF applications in delivery of innovative electronic products and manufacturing technologies to its customers.

RF Technology

Globaltec is now focus on IOT development. The latest design is WIFI, Bluetooth low energy, LORA solution.